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Plumbing Tips: Buying a Home


With warmer weather on the way, you may be considering making a change by moving. You may (like me) be considering buying a home!  We are here to give you a few tips on what to look for in a home that’s new to you when you are shopping for a home. Maybe a friend or relative could use the advice as well!

Water Heater
You will want to check to be sure the water heater in the home is in good condition, and has copper connections going to it.  A heater that looks in good condition may not be, but it is a good indication if it has been well cared for or it is new.  While in the home, feel free to turn on a tap (if the water is on) and run the water until it is hot to see if it gets hot quickly and stays hot.

It is a good idea to check under all the sinks in the home, near showers/tubs, and in the basement for any signs of a leak. This may not look like running water; it may be a damp/brown spot on drywall or a damp feeling in the air.  It is important to know the extent of any leaks in the home and if structural damage or mold is present before considering the purchase of a home.  If any of these indications are noticed by you, be sure to pass the information along to your realtor and/or home inspector.  You may see something they don’t see.

Sewer Inspection
Something that may be a good idea for your potential home is to request a special plumbing video camera to be fed through the sewer by a licensed plumber. We can check to see if there are any breaks or cracks in the sewer line, any root intrusion, or any blockages present in the line.  Having this information before you purchase a home could save you thousands of dollars in repairs or replacement on something that would be unseen until you inhabit the home.  This inspection can be done quickly and can give you the peace of mind that you will not have to have major plumbing repairs, but instead get to spend money to decorate!
