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Every Job is Different


As a customer, you may have heard us say the phrase “every job is different”, over the phone when you booked an appointment. This week we wanted to talk about how true that really is!

Sometimes customers will say that their job is small while setting up an appointment, and be very surprised to find out that it is more of an undertaking than they originally thought. Other times, a customer is very concerned about their plumbing and believes their job to be large and costly, and when we get eyes and hands on the job we discover a quick and easy solution.

We have had many instances where the existing plumbing affected the job at hand, including sinks installed in a home that simply drained outside, traps installed using incorrect fittings and techniques under sinks, and water heaters installed improperly, which caused leaking. If the plumbing in your home was not done in accordance with International Plumbing Code or was DIYed by you or a previous owner, you may not even be aware of the scope of the work that is necessary to bring your home up to code.

The main reason every job is different is that every home has unique features, unique plumbing, and its own quirks. The best way to diagnose plumbing issues is always to get a licensed, skilled technician to come to your home and use his knowledge and years of experience to figure out the best solution for you and your home.

If you’d like to share a short story of a time we found a solution for you, feel free to respond to this email and let us know! We would love to share some testimonials from our customers
