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Jackie Takes Over!


This week, I (Jackie) am taking over the blog! You may recognize me from taking your appointment or answering your questions when you call the office.

Working in customer service is challenging in many ways, but I found it to be especially challenging when I started working here at DB’s Plumbing and Drain. When I first started here in February I knew nothing about residential/commercial plumbing, aside from if the toilet isn’t flushing, try the plunger and hope for the best! In these past 7 months, I have learned so much that will benefit me as I start my journey into home-ownership. The best part of my job here is seeing all the feedback from the customers I was able to help in time of crisis and emergency simply by answering any questions they might have and working them into our schedule anyway I can. I get to make sure one of our highly skilled technicians is there to help whenever a customer is in need.

Just like any job, customer service has its pros and cons, but it’s all worth it knowing I was able to help people in my community and be a part of such an amazing team of people who strive to give you the best experience and result possible.

– Jackie, Receptionist

Expansion Tank for Your Water Heater- Why?

When I started working at DB’s, I had never heard about an expansion tank before. I knew what a water heater was of course, but I didn’t know anything about an extra little tank that goes with it! The expansion tank can prolong the life of the heater by removing pressure build up that occurs through thermal expansion. **Science!** If you would like one installed, give us a call! We would be happy to help.
