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6 Months for 0% Interest


As we announced last week, while the government remains shut down, we are offering 15% off flat-rate jobs up to $150 to all federal government employees (must show ID to technician onsite). This discount will run until you get back to work.

In addition to this discount, DB's is offering payment plans for 6 months with 0% interest. These two offers CAN be combined. We know emergencies happen and we don't want any of our customers living with no water, no hot water, or an active leak. We are here to take care of you through this uncertain time.

From Our President

"I realize that this is hard for most of our clients and fellow citizens in the NOVA area, not to mention it is trickling down to all aspects of our lives here. My personal mission is to see that your plumbing is taken care of and being able to defer your payments until you get that paycheck can be huge. We will absorb all costs that are associated with this program so you can get back on your feet." 

---David Buky, President
